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The More I Write the More I Copy & Paste.

My college submission answers.

Last night I applied for scholarships on the TCC website.

The section is from TCC Foundation.

I think the question was "What do you want the foundation to know about yourself?"

Second was "What do you hope to get out of your time at TCC?" idk or something like that.

Heres my respones. . .


I believe in love, faith, hope, and charity. My parents are/where enrolled with Puyallup Tribe, so am I. I have family history going back to the Duwamish Tribe from Seattle. I been told that my Satiacum family was the last the chief of the Duwamish. My family was the last chief of my tribe, the Puyallup tribe as well. My grandfather's brother was the the last chief before a council system was established. Today my cousin is our hereditary chief.

I also have family roots with Muckleshoot Tribe on my moms side the Siddle side. The Siddle side of my family where great keepers of knowledge about all the longhouses/ big houses where we use to live. In and around the what we call the Salish Sea. My family knew all the sacred sites, where to find all the medicines. Everything important along the shores of our waters.

I have family roots with Canadian first nation tribe on my fathers side, from Vancouver city to Kuper Isand. My grandparents on my father side met while picking berries, as my grandmothers family came down to harvest.

I'm 40 years old. I live on the reservation. I use he/him pronouns. I'm not a drinker. I'm a returning student. I grew up off the reservation. My mother experienced a lot ridicule growing up and she didn't want me to experience that too. I had a fairly normal childhood, grew up lower class in the country. I spent a lot time exploring our small town. When I was old enough I caught the transit out of town or drove myself. Things that was different for me was, I went to powwows, and to a tribal clinic. My only other exposure to the culture was at funerals. In elementary and middle school I did go to a program called "Indian education." where the school tried to teach me about my culture while the other students was back in the normal classroom. Growing up I always wanted to do "Indian things with Indian people." My mom wasn't into being native, and I didn't see my father. I got to experience a lot of what life and my culture has to offer and now I’m ready for school again. I have never applied for scholarship, yet I have 46 credits after this quarter.

I wanted a better future for myself, my family, and my community. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life as a security guard. I know that I’m highly capable person, but I just need a little bit of and education. I really want to finish my transfer degree. I want to take classes relevant to my passion. I want to learn how to develop my skills to be a professional, and not just an armature. I have a strong interest in wellness, mental health, art, and music. I'm trying to bring these ideas together in my website I want to foster a community of artists and writers to show their work, and sell it not only online, but in person. I think this sort of community representation is really important. It became really important for me to finish what I had started. The fact that I had started, and that I had put in a lot of work already. This was my motivation. I want to learn how to do this successfully.

Another part of this journey for me is to finish where I started it at. Here at TCC. Also to continue on from here. I have completed my english, pe, and some social sciences. I have a lot of electives left to explore my interest. I want to take great care to select classes that are going to be able to directly help my right away, and long term, for myself and my business. I really hope to have a meaningful time here. I hope to build a network of success, and be able to carry that out to the community. Its really important for me to stay in this community and help build equity for future generations. I want to learn and be challenged while I'm here. I want to be able to wonder and reflect. Personal reflection is huge for me. I think its important to recognize growth as well. When everything is said and done, I want to leave a legacy of healing.


Then I also applied for First Generation College Student Scholarship

I think the question was something like "After getting a bachelors degree what would it mean for your family?"

My response was


I really hope to help open doors for other people. Help give them a chance to pull themselves up through society as well. I feel really alone, and don’t have much family. For me its more about community success. I’m native person, and I just really want to help my native community. We have many sociality stressors and I want to help bring a calmness to the community. Part of it is healing generational trauma. For the little family I do have, they would be extremely proud of me. Having a bachelors degree could mean a lot. It could mean financial stability, emotional healing. I believe the real hope is that I’m able to being healing to the community now, and for generations to come. I just really want to work towards that future that we all dream about, where everyone is treated equally, with equity and respect. I love my community and I want to be able to show and share that in more ways than i know how. I want to leave a legacy of healing. it could mean prosperity. I hope to inspire. In courage. Uplift. Its a big challenge, and a lot to uphold, and I look forward to it. I currently trying to do this through my website. I trying to express myself in different ways to spread awareness about native art, culture, history, mental health, allies and mentors. Thank you.


I was pretty exhausted at this point . . .

While I knew I had more time to finish, I mostly wanted to get it out of the way.

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